You need an expert for your real estate?

Yes, I Speak English

Purchasing an existing property?

I help you inspecting the property you are interested in buying from head to toe focussing on its overall condition, maintenance status and deficiencies. (Call me and ask for the keyword "Kaufbegleitung")

Construction acceptance is due?

The day of the acceptance of construction work is announced?! Call me for assistance to check if the work has been done according to contract and searching for faults and defects (keyword "Bauabnahme").

Some facts about Carsten

More than 14 years of professional experience
More than 1,500 satisfied customers
More than 500 building approvals carried out
More than 15,000 building defects detected
More than 999 properties inspected
More than 160,000 photos taken
More than 350 informative videos published
More helpful in your decision making process, than you can imagine!

Better save than sorry

To ensure that you are on the safe side with your property investment, you can rely on my DEKRA-certified expertise. I will inspect your property so that you do not experience any unpleasant surprises.

Das Siegel für Carsten Nessler, Sachverständiger Bauschadenbewertung für das Hochbaugewerk (DEKRA zertifiziert)
Carsten Nessler is a DEKRA-certified building damage assessment expert for the building construction industry
Building surveyor Carsten Nessler sitting on a staircase (Der Baugutachter Carsten Nessler auf einer Treppe sitzend)
Get in touch with your technical expert Carsten Nessler

Simply use the contact form

Let me know what I can do to support you


    What it's about:

    Don't hesitate, just contact me!

    I can be of your service, when you are buying property in the Rhein-Main-Area, or to support you for the "acceptance of work" (Bauabnahme) of your newly built house or apartment.
    Call me or send an e-mail

    Urgent calls only please

    Every call is important – I understand that. You are important to me too!
    I’m often travelling with and for my customers and cannot take notes.
    To ensure that no information is lost, I would be delighted if you would use the contact form.